Most people know how important it is to have insurance in place to protect their home. A homeowners insurance policy provides financial support in the event a home is damaged or destroyed.
Did you know that it will also cover a home's contents or owners' personal possessions. It’s important to be clear on exactly what is and isn’t covered in a specific policy, and how much you could receive in the event an item was damaged or stolen. This is particularly important when it comes to your jewelry and valuable items.
Many people don’t realize that standard homeowners insurance policies have a relatively low limit on what can be claimed for jewelry. Limits can vary among insurance companies, but often, the limit is around $1,000. Would that be enough to replace your jewelry if it was stolen during a burglary?
You may also have paintings or other artwork, electronic equipment, musical instruments, silverware or even something like a stamp collection. If any of these are worth a substantial sum, then you should you speak to your insurer or agent about your options. In many cases, it’s possible to purchase extra coverage specifically for items like these. This is called a floater or an option, and the price will be determined by the value of your items.
Whether or not you already have home insurance, we recommend that you speak to their insurance agent about any high value items like jewelry, watches, furs, guns, art, silverware, computers or business property kept at the home. Some planning now may save you valuable dollars in the future.
If you would like to talk to us further, please call us at 904-268-3106 or contact us online. If you would like a free quote on Jewelry Insurance or other valuables, please request a quote from us.